Cartoon Porn

Published: MARCH 30, 2022
Reviewed by Dr. Laura McGuire

Cartoon porn, short for cartoon pornography, is a genre of sexually-explicit content featuring hand- and computer-drawn characters. It may feature original characters or existing pop culture characters. Many cartoon porn images and videos feature comic book superheroes, Disney princesses, and characters from cartoon series such as "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy". There are some subgenres of cartoon porn focusing on particular characters. For example, the cartoon porn called "clop" features characters from “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.”

The origins of cartoon porn trace back to the 1920s, when animated films such as “The Virgin with the Hot Pants” and “Buried Treasure” featured erotic sequences. The kind of content that most people associate with cartoon porn today began was the advent of Japanese hentai in the 1980s. Cartoon porn became widespread across the globe with the rise of the internet. The internet helped people interested in cartoon porn find one another and share content. People also began creating cartoon porn specifically for online consumption.

The style of art in cartoon porn is often called Western hentai, as it is a Western-style of art inspired by the Japanese erotic anime and manga, called hentai. However, cartoon porn is often used as an umbrella term for hentai and the Western-inspired equivalent.

As cartoon porn features drawn characters in place of real actors, anything and everything is possible. Human bodies are not confined to what is real and people can easily have sex with animals, anthropomorphic creatures, plants, robots, monsters, or anything the creator’s imagination dreams up, which brings up the possibility of unethical or illegal situations, particularly where there are issues of bestiality, pedophilia or assault.

The fantasy element of cartoon porn typically extends to its characters. Their features are often exaggerated, with enormous breasts and enormous erections common. These features are often so extreme that no human could function with them. The characters are hypersexualized, allowing us to see the bodies that have little in common with real human bodies.

More About Cartoon Porn

People who enjoy cartoon porn may appreciate its fantastical nature. As this kind of porn features drawn characters, there can be none of the exploitation some people worry about with filmed porn. It also allows people to see things they could not see in porn filmed with real people. Cartoon porn can bring fringe fetishes that before only existed in the imagination, such as a fetish for tentacle sex for example, to life. People may seek out cartoon porn because it is the only genre that depicts their specific sexual interests or because regular porn seems too vanilla. If videos depicting penetrative sex don't excite, cartoon porn can up the ante.

Cartoon porn can also ignite nostalgia in viewers. Millennials are the largest consumers of cartoon porn, and much of it features characters from their childhood. Reconnecting with beloved characters in a new, sexual way can be thrilling for cartoon porn fans.

The fantasy element of cartoon porn also lets its creators illustrate scenarios that are dangerous or illegal in the real world, such as incest, rape, and child abuse. As cartoon porn features illustrated fictional characters, there are limits about what they can do, and what others can do to them.

Laws surrounding what cartoon porn can and can’t show vary from country to country. In the United States, cartoon porn can't get classified as child pornography under the PROTECT act as it stars illustrated, fictional characters. While cartoon porn may give pedophiles and others with dangerous fetishes an outlet for their sexual interests, critics worry that this content could fuel their desires. It may also normalize fringe fetishes that are potentially dangerous.

Critics also fear that the exaggerated and hypersexualized bodies of cartoon porn characters are also creating unrealistic body standards. Real humans could not have the enormous breasts or erections of cartoon porn characters. However, people who see a lot of cartoon porn may want partners with these features to turn them on. They may struggle to feel aroused by real human bodies.


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