
Updated: AUGUST 3, 2020

Zie is a gender-neutral pronoun used in the place of gender specific pronouns such as he or she. Zie is offered as an option alongside ze. There are two options in regards to the various pronoun forms of zie: zie/hir/hir/hirs/hirself or zie/zir/zir/zirs/zirself. These options are the same when the subject is ze instead of zie.

More About Zie

Zie/ze enjoy a degree of popularity among gender-neutral pronouns however some find that when the zir/zirs/zirself pronouns are used the "z" sound at the start of the word can disappear when the words are employed after any words ending with "s" or "z" sounds, leaving some forms of the pronouns to sound like the feminine "her". Additionally when the hir/hirs/hirself option is employed confusion with "her" can also be problematic even though the pronunciation is different ("here").


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