High tech sex

Just like everything else in our lives, our sex lives are increasingly being influenced by technology. Whether it's the digital technology that keeps us connected, or the technological innovation that's increasingly appearing in new sex toys (teledildonics, anyone?), technology is changing the way we have sex and pursue pleasure. Here we'll look at the latest in technology as it applies to sex toys, the sex industry and your sex life.

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Welcome to the world of digital romance! AI girlfriends are changing the dating scene. They mix conversational AI with virtual...

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They aren’t alive, but they don’t have to be!

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Adding some creativity into your sexual repertoire can go a long way in terms of staying hot for each other - even when you're miles apart.

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While thrusting vibrators won't replace the sensations of full-thrust intercourse, if you love the sensation of any movement at your entrance or love constant movement near your innermost spots, a thruster might be right for you.

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A cell-phone enabled sex toy is like getting a two-in-one toy. You get the regular, standard vibrator that can be used without all of its advanced functionality -- and you get a toy that connects to a world of new options.

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Texting can be a great lower-stakes way to dip your toe into a sexy femdom scene. And, as with any sexual encounter, care, communication and consent are paramount.

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This enterprising inventor came up with an idea for better strap-on sex - one that might just help a range of marginalized groups have better sex. Meet the VDOM!

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If living ethically is important to you, you'll want to know if your sex toy is ethical! You don't want any shady business in your business.

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Meditation and audio erotica aren't often paired but Guided by Glow founder Sayra Player feels they can pave the way to amazing erotic experiences.

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You and your partner can always spice up your long distance love and find pleasure together - even when you're not in the same place.

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