Long distance sex

The internet has made it easier than ever to connect with people who live nowhere near you. Between sexting, app controlled sex toys, VR interactions, live video chats, and more, "long-distance sex" can feel like it's happening right next to you! Explore the world of long-distance sex with these articles.

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Adding some creativity into your sexual repertoire can go a long way in terms of staying hot for each other - even when you're miles apart.

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You and your partner can always spice up your long distance love and find pleasure together - even when you're not in the same place.

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Social distancing doesn't mean we can't still have a rewarding sex life. It just means we have to figure out new ways of doing things; new ways of finding connections and pleasure.

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One awesome way to create some excitement and intimacy while obeying self-isolation? Phone sex!

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When life gets busy, technology can be used to help reinforce your power exchange dynamic.

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Being separated from playmates doesn't have to be sad and frustrating if you use technology to turn it into a whole new avenue of BDSM play.

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Although many sex workers have moved to the internet, phone sex is still kicking.

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App controlled sex toys have pushed long-distance play to new heights of pleasure.

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Boredom, bathroom breaks and kinks galore are just a few of the challenges of working as an adult conversation specialist.

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