
When cell phones have become unavoidable parts of everyday life, it makes sense that parts of our sex lives would become intertwined with our cell phones too. Enter "sexting" - the act of using the functions of our cell phones to exchange erotic words, pictures, and videos with someone else. Want to know more? Well, that's what all of these sexting advice articles are for!

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Texting can be a great lower-stakes way to dip your toe into a sexy femdom scene. And, as with any sexual encounter, care, communication and consent are paramount.

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There’s no way to know what someone would really enjoy seeing unless you ask.

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It's all about communication! Sexting involves two people - make sure you keep your partner's desires in mind.

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Whether anonymous or committed, sexting is popular because it’s easy, it's safe and it can really get us going.

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These sex-themed apps prove the old theory that there really are apps for everything!

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