How to pleasure

7 Sexy Facts to Help you Reach Cervical Orgasm

Published: MARCH 29, 2022 | Updated: JULY 21, 2022
Your cervix isn't meant to be numb or painful. It has has the potential to release 'out of this world' orgasms, and with cautious and slow practice you can get it there.

What do you know about the cervix? Perhaps you have a vague notion that it’s involved in childbirth, your period blood comes through it too, and that it can become cancerous. Take a look at Google, and you might think that was all there was to know.

Or, perhaps you are aware of its orgasmic potential. Yes, it’s true. It’s a little known fact that the cervix is a sexual, orgasmic part of the body. Here are seven sexy facts that can help us learn more about this amazing pleasure organ.

1. The Cervix is More Innervated Than the Clitoris

Many years ago, Alfred Kinsey conducted groundbreaking research on human sexuality. As part of his project he stimulated the cervix with light touch, which the women couldn’t feel. From this he concluded that the cervix was not sensitive to pleasure.

However, this was a tragic misinterpretation of his own data, which has dogged our understanding of female sexuality for decades. Vaginal orgasms have been relegated into the realm of ‘mystery’ rather than the scientific validity they rightfully deserve. During Kinsey’s study women did respond to firm pressure, but he neglected to include this in his conclusion.

The reality is that the cervix is actually more innervated than the clitoris. It has three sets of paired nerves, despite many doctors still thinking it has no nerve endings at all!

2. Your Cervix Might Feel Numb or Painful, but it’s not Meant to be Like That

Olivia Bryant, the founder of Self:Cervix says that through her work she has discovered there is an ‘’epidemic of numb and painful cervixes.’’ She says that the idea that the cervix ‘should’ be numb, or painful to touch is a misconception. Sometimes the cervix becomes numb or tense and ‘armoured’ because of experiences we’ve had. An uncomfortable pap smear, cervical procedure, or sex that hits the cervix too hard can cause it to tense up. This can close down our potential for cervical pleasure.

Our cervixes are pretty sensitive. Due to the complex collection of nerve endings, the cervix may prefer a more gentle touch. That’s why part of the message of Self:Cervix is learning about consent, and listening to our bodies so that we can feel empowered during pap smears and sex, which can reduce the likelihood of pain, and numbness, thus opening up the gateway to pleasure!

Sex during your period when the cervix is low might feel pleasurable, but it can also be too much for your sensitive cervix, so go slow at this time of the month and check in with what your body likes. If you don’t want blood on the sheets, but want a product that is gentle, then the Ziggy Cup 2 menstrual disc is ideal. It comes in two sizes, and has a petal thin body so it is flexible. Other cups that use suction may pull on the cervical ligaments, and lead to numbness but the Ziggy Cup 2 is held in place simply by the shape of your body. This makes it the ideal choice for anyone who wants protection but doesn’t want to compromise on pleasure.

Read: The Best Sex Positions for a Cervical Orgasm

3. You Might Have Already had a Blended Cervical Orgasm

Have you ever had a really intense earth shattering orgasm? Even if you haven’t been aware that the cervix is orgasmic, you might still have experienced cervical pleasure without realizing that’s what it was. Since the nerves in our sexual organs are all interconnected, we can have blended orgasms: when the clitoris, g-spot, and cervix are activated in various combinations, even without physical contact to the cervix.

In Tantra, the cervix is associated with the root chakra. Chakras are energy wheels throughout the body, and the root chakra is associated with feelings of safety and grounding in the physical world. This may account for why we refer to intense orgasms as 'earth moving.' We experience waves of sensation in the part of the body that is responsible for our physical perception of being connected to the ground. No wonder it can feel as if our whole world shifts in a moment of intense pleasure!

4. The Cervix can Move Down the Vagina

The cervix can feel way out of reach, which can make the experience of cervical orgasm difficult to achieve with our fingers alone! Using a sex toy and gentle, slow pressure can help you reach the cervix and save your fingers the work.

The uterus changes position at different times of our menstrual cycle, therefore so does the cervix. The uterus and cervix also lift up and forward when a woman is sexual aroused. Women have observed that when they are in a very deep state of relaxation, the cervix seems to move down and ‘meet’ their fingers or a partner’s penis as the cervical ligaments relax. This is known as ‘the cervical kiss’. It takes time, practice and patience; a slow approach to sex can help.

During your period, the cervix sits lower, which can make it easier for direct contact. This is a great time to experiment with cervical pleasure. A Ziggy Cup 2 menstrual disc is thin enough not to compromise sensation, so that you can feel penetration without needing to worry about the mess.

Read: How to Insert a Menstrual Disc for Mess-Free Sex

5. The Cervix Connects Directly to the Brain via the Vagus Nerve

The Vagus nerve is getting a lot of attention in recent years, and it plays an important role in health and wellbeing. Scientists are discovering that stimulating the Vagus nerve may contribute to healthy digestion, blood pressure and heart rate.

The Vagus nerve plays a role in our breathing, therefore mindful activities like deep breathing or meditation can improve its functioning. There’s also one super powerful way to activate the Vagus nerve, and that’s by stimulating it at its root: the cervix!

Clitoral orgasms occur when nerves send impulses along the spinal cord into the brain. However, one research study found that women with spinal cord paralysis could still orgasm via the cervix. These powerful orgasmic impulses go direct to the brain via the Vagus nerve, which may explain their intensity.

6. Stimulating the Cervix can Improve Your Mental Health

In 2017, Hamburg Medical School conducted research on Self:Cervix, an online program teaching women how to release tension at the cervix and awaken the Vagus nerve in order to experience orgasmic pleasure. The study found that doing the practice regularly can decrease anxiety and depression. It can also help increase desire, libido, and pleasurable sensation, while also decreasing pain.

7. Cervical Orgasms may Release DMT: the ‘Spirit Molecule'

Olivia Bryant says that whereas a clitoral orgasm is localized and can feel like a release of tension, a cervical orgasm is different. She explains that it feels like a ‘’deep, pulsing pleasure that spreads across the whole abdomen, sometimes, the whole body.’’

Read: How to Have Spiritual Sex During Your Period

There is a theory that cervical orgasms release DMT throughout the body. DMT is a molecule that is present in many different plants and animals, including the plant Ayuhuasca, which is used by Shamans in healing ceremonies. It is known as the ‘spirit molecule’ because of the way it induces psychedelic, transcendent experiences. This may explain why cervical orgasms can feel so ‘out of this world.’If you’re having an earth-shattering, mind-expanding orgasm then you need a period product that’s going to stay in place. The Ziggy Cup 2 is specifically designed to be used vaginal intercourse. It is a thin disc rather than a conventional cup, so it allows space for penetration. It can be used for medium-heavy flow, giving you the peace of mind to forget it’s even there, and focus on your pleasure!

Kate Orson

Kate Orson is a freelance writer, and author of Tears Heal: How to listen to our children. She writes, about self-help, parenting, and more recently, sex! She is currently working on a memoir; A Cut in The Brain, about her experience of having the LEEP procedure, and her recovery from side effects that doctors didn't warn her about.

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