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Dress Up Your Favorite Dick With This Penis Tuxedo

by Kinkly
Published: JANUARY 21, 2016 | Updated: JUNE 29, 2020
The day of penis pride is upon us; you can now buy a tuxedo for your favorite penis.

Vulvas have been getting a lot of press lately. The good kind. There's been a huge move toward embracing women's bodies and all their unique curves. Celebrating them even. The penis, however, while certainly well-loved by many, just hasn't been lavished with the same level of attention. Maybe it's because while the vulva tends to carry an aura of mystery, the penis is just kinda, out there. It isn't that it isn't beautiful in its own way, but it's pretty straightforward. It's a tool. And its owners tend to treat it like a tool, taking it out as needed and then wiping it off and dropping it back in the toolbox. There are no articles about how people should love their penises. And penises rarely sport fancy hair-dos or rhinestones. They typically don't even get wrapped up in sexy lingerie. But the day of penis pride is upon us. As of today, you can buy a tuxedo for your favorite penis.

Yes, You Can Now Buy a Tuxedo for Your Penis

OK. OK. Have your laugh, but this isn't a new idea. In fact, garments for the penis go way back to the 12th century, where they were used by Croatian shepherds and horsemen to protect their goods from frostbite on long journeys. Typically, women knitted these garments for their husbands. Kinda cute, right?

Yes, You Can Now Buy a Tuxedo for Your Penis
An old-school "willy warmer."
Source: Mabalu - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.
0 via Commons

But once life no longer involved spending the day running through frozen fjords after a herd of sheep, it seems this little dick snuggie kind of fell off the map. Until now.

Today, LELO is releasing the TUX, a satin tuxedo (with bow tie!) tailored just for a penis. Yes, it's silly. But it's also kind of ... adorable. After all, most people would agree that there's nothing sexier than a man in a tuxedo. Why not take date night one step further? Plus, while the old Croatian willy warmer was kind of like sweatpants - practical, cozy and functional - LELO's version offers something sophisticated, stylish and much more in tune with today's modern and discerning phallus.

I have to say that when I first saw the TUX, I laughed. Then I smirked. Then I imagined a certain someone wearing it ... and I giggled. And then giggled some more. And then, well, I couldn't stop imagining it. I mean, is this not the cutest thing ever? And, yeah, it's silly. But a lot of things about sex are silly, at least if you're doing it right. Role-playing is silly. The noises our bodies can make are silly. A lot of sex positions are pretty silly too. But they're fun. And isn't that kind of the point? If you both laugh, you'll probably have a great time. Why not start there?

Dress Up Your Favorite Dick With This Penis Tuxedo

When it comes to intimate apparel, women have been having all the fun (and men have been getting the shaft!). But maybe TUX can turn the tables. It's been said that the suit makes the man. But don't forget; it's when the tux comes off that the real magic happens.


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