
Updated: SEPTEMBER 15, 2024

Benching refers to a behavior in dating and sexual relationships where someone keeps another person interested and available as a potential partner, but without committing to them fully. The term is derived from sports, where benched players are sidelined from play but still part of the team, ready to be called into action when needed. In the context of relationships, being benched often feels like you're being "kept around" as an option, but not prioritized or truly engaged in a meaningful way.

In a sexual context, Benching often manifests as irregular communication, inconsistent sexual attention, and mixed signals about where the intimacy of the relationship is headed. The person doing the benching might engage in flirtation or occasional hookups with the person they are benching, maintaining the connection, but avoiding deeper commitment or exclusivity. This can create confusion and emotional frustration for the person being benched, as they are left unsure about the status of the relationship and may feel strung along.

Signs of Benching:

  1. Inconsistent Communication: The bencher may reach out sporadically, often just enough to keep the connection alive, but not regularly enough to form a stable relationship.
  2. Flirtation Without Follow-Through: There might be sexual or romantic teasing, but plans to meet or spend meaningful time together often fall through or are vague.
  3. Breadcrumbing: Small gestures or interactions that hint at interest (spreading the crumbs of attention(, but never fully materialize into anything substantial. This keeps the benched person hopeful but unsure.
  4. Lack of Commitment: The bencher avoids discussions about exclusivity, long-term plans, or defining the relationship, keeping things in a state of limbo.

Why Does Benching Happen?

Benching can occur for several reasons. The person doing the benching might be unsure about their feelings, exploring multiple romantic or sexual options, or simply not ready to commit but still want to keep certain individuals available. It can also be a way to avoid confrontation or difficult conversations about the future of a relationship. In some cases, the bencher might not even realize they are doing harm, especially if they believe their actions are keeping things casual.

Navigating Benching:

If you feel like you're being benched, it’s important to assess your own needs and boundaries. Clear communication is key — asking direct questions about the relationship’s direction can clarify things. It's also crucial to recognize your own worth and decide whether waiting for someone to make up their mind aligns with your emotional well-being. If not, it may be best to move on and seek connections that offer mutual respect and clarity.

Ultimately, benching can create emotional tension, so prioritizing open dialogue and self-respect is important for both parties involved.

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