Sex ed for kids

Would You Buy a Vibrator for Your Teenage Daughter?

Published: MAY 21, 2013 | Updated: JUNE 30, 2020
Some people argue that vibrators can prevent teens from having sex before they're ready.

Talking to kids about sex and their bodies is rarely easy for any mom, so when we saw this infographic from, it caught our attention. It's based on advice sex educator Dr. Laura Berman gave on Oprah way back in 2009, where she suggested that moms buy their daughters a vibrator when they're around 15 or 16 as a way to help them get to know their bodies and empower them with the understanding that an orgasm is something they can provide for themselves.

Clearly, whether to take things that far will be a tough call for many moms. After all, sex toys aren't the only path to self pleasure. But while Dr. Berman recommended sex toys as a method of empowerment, this infographic claims they can also prevent teens from having sex at a young age. We're not so sure. Sex toys, despite all their vibrating splendor, are not human beings.

Tell us what you think: Is buying a girl a vibrator enlightened or inappropriate? Do you think a sex toy can prevent teens from having sex before they're ready?

Would You Buy a Vibrator for Your Teenage Daughter Infographic


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