The Skene's glands are a pair of glands located on either side of the vagina's anterior wall, near the bottom of the urethra. They are named after Alexander Skene, the Scottish gynecologist who first wrote about them in the 19th century. The tissue surrounding the Skene's glands includes the part of the clitoris that extends inside the vagina and swells with blood during sexual arousal. The ducts from these glands empty into the urethral canal, so many people believe they are the source of female ejaculation.
The Skene's glands are also known as the lesser vestibular glands, periurethral glands, Skene glands, paraurethral glands, the U-spot and the female prostate.
More About Skene's Glands
Stimulating the Skene's gland can be an exciting part of sex for individuals and couples. Women seeking to find their Skene’s glands should squat or lie on their backs with their knees raised. A finger can then be into the vagina and make a "come hither" motion. The Skene's gland feels like a ridged area behind the public bone. At the center of this area, about 1.5 to inches along the vaginal wall, is the G-spot. Curved toys and rear-entry sex positions can also stimulate this sensitive part of the body. However, as the G-spot responds to pressure rather than vibration, non-vibrating toys are often most effective.
Because stimulating the G-spot puts indirect pressure on the bladder, some women feel like they want to urinate when it’s touched. Women are encouraged to relax and work past these sensations. In time, the Skene’s gland will release a clear liquid containing glucose and prostatic acid into the urethral canal. Its chemical composition is similar to semen. In Tantric literature, this liquid is revered and known as amrita, which means nectar of the goddess.
In 2002, Italian academic Emanuele Jannini showed that Skene's glands vary significantly in size, and in some cases may be absent entirely. If indeed Skene's glands cause female ejaculation and G-spot orgasms, these differences may explain why some women never experience this kind of climax.