
Accidental Orgasms? Yes, They’re a Real Thing

Published: SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 | Updated: OCTOBER 10, 2024
Find out why they happen, what triggers them, and how to manage them.

Have you ever gotten so “hot and heavy” with your partner that the simple act of making eye contact made you orgasm unintentionally? Or had the buzz of your roaring engine during your commute make you cum out of the blue? If these scenarios sound familiar, you’re not alone! Many people experience accidental or spontaneous orgasms for a variety of reasons, and often, it’s completely unrelated to sexual stimulation. 

So, without further ado, let’s get into what accidental orgasms are, what causes them, and how you can fully embrace them.

What is an accidental orgasm?

To begin, let’s explain what an actual accidental orgasm is.

Though most of us associate orgasms solely with sexual pleasure, James Hook, D.C., a wellness professional at Neurogan Health, explains that an accidental or unintentional orgasm “does not arise from intentional sexual stimulation or sexual thought. These can occur from stretching, working out, or even sleeping — sometimes known as wet dreams or nocturnal emissions.” 

A 2018 study that examined almost 700 self-reported cases of nonsexual orgasms found that these orgasms were triggered by a wide variety of things. Respondents reported that they'd had unintentional orgasms while breastfeeding, exercising, riding in vehicles, getting tattoos, giving birth, and even pooping.

Unintentional orgasms like these are much different from intentional ones, notes Dr. Hook, as intentional orgasms “involve intentional mental and physical stimulation meant to produce a sexual climax.”

What do accidental orgasms feel like?

The sensations you feel during an accidental orgasm are like any orgasm. So, if you have a vulva and/or clitrois, you might feel sensations like pulsations, contractions, and warmth across the entire body that leaves you feeling momentarily disoriented. If you have a penis, you might get an erection, experience intense muscle contractions, and even ejaculate during an accidental orgasm. A lot of people also make unpredictable sexual vocalizations during accidental orgasms, so these may accompany .

In addition to sensations, you can also experience a range of emotions from having accidental orgasms. You might feel a bit shocked or maybe even embarrassed by accidentally cumming, especially if you're in a public setting. Or, you might even laugh it off as an unexpected but pleasant surprise. 

Here are what some Redditors said about their experiences with accidental orgasms:

  • “I was writing a test, and I realized I missed a 25-mark question when they said I had five minutes left. I went cold with fear, and that spine-chilling fear went straight to my vagina, and I had an orgasm.”
  • “I was making out with my boyfriend while naked. The dog bursts through the door at a sprint. I jumped up and ejaculated from fear. Basically, if I were a squid, I ‘inked.’”
  • “My friend got into a truck with one of her friends and wanted to show off her bass. She said she could feel the bass through the seats and had an orgasm.”

It’s important to know that your experience with accidental orgasms may be nothing like the next person’s experience — and that’s completely okay!

Why do accidental orgasms happen?

Before digging into the causes, let’s look at the science behind involuntary orgasms. 

The mechanism behind accidental orgasms starts with your central nervous system. “Increased sensitivity or certain physical stimuli might set off an orgasmic reaction in the autonomic nervous system, which controls the body's involuntary activities,” Dr. Hook says. 

Hormonal changes can play a significant role in triggering unintentional orgasms as well. Fluctuations in the hormones estrogen, testosterone, and oxytocin can heighten your sensitivity and responsiveness to stimuli — making the chances of spontaneous orgasm much more likely. 

Some people may be more prone to accidental orgasms due to underlying health conditions, such as persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD). This condition causes recurring and unwanted arousal that’s unrelated to sexual desire, fantasies, or stimulation. PGAD can affect a person’s day-to-day life, including their relationships and sexual satisfaction. 

Regardless of the root cause, spontaneous orgasms can be triggered by just about anything. Here are a few commonly reported scenarios.

Physical stimulation

Exercises, massages, and even certain medical procedures can stimulate your body in ways that make you cum unintentionally. Physical activity, especially during abdominal or core exercises, are a common cause of accidental orgasms. Many refer to these orgasms as “coregasms.” Research suggests that the connection between core exercises and the pelvic floor muscles might cause these coregasms.

Read More: 5 Steps to a Healthy and Orgasmic Pelvic Floor

Mental stimulation

Your conscious and subconscious mind can play a significant role in accidental orgasms. As Dr. Hook mentioned, dreams may lead to accidental orgasms. Nocturnal orgasms, in particular, are orgasms that can happen while you’re asleep.

And interestingly enough, nocturnal orgasms aren't always related to sexy dreams. They may occur if you’re feeling anxious. Research involving female college students found a link between heightened sexual excitement and high levels of anxiety while sleeping.

If you’re a daydreamer, vivid fantasies may also lead to spontaneous orgasms.

Unexpected sensations

For reasons we don't really yet understand, sensations that seem super unlikely to lead to an involuntary orgasm actually can, especially if they're unexpected. Your body may react to sensations like sneezing, tickling, falling asleep, or accidental stimulation on a bumpy car ride by having an orgasm. 

Embracing accidental orgasms

Rest assured that randomly cumming is very normal and a natural phenomenon that many people experience. And let’s not forget that having orgasms can provide a variety of benefits, including stress relief, better sleep, improved self-confidence, and many more.

However, if you want to have your accidental orgasms under control, here are some strategies you can try:

  • Find out the triggers: Investigate what activities or situations are triggering your unexpected orgasms. Once you can identify them, you can modify or avoid them.
  • Practice mindfulness: Learn mindfulness practices, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises, to lower your stress and anxiety levels and possibly help you manage arousal responses. 
  • Do pelvic floor exercises: Pelvic floor exercises, or Kegels, can help strengthen your pelvic floor and help you gain better control over involuntary muscle contractions that may lead to orgasms. 
  • Speak with a healthcare provider: If cumming without sexual stimulation is disrupting your life, please reach out to your healthcare provider. They can uncover any underlying causes and recommend therapies. 

The Bottom Line

Accidental orgasms are a natural body response that sexual and nonsexual stimuli can trigger. Whether they happen while riding a bike or daydreaming, don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed about having them. Instead, just accept accidental orgasms for what they are and know that they’re just another fun aspect of existing as a sexual being. 

Taneia Surles

Taneia Surles, MPH, is a freelance health and wellness writer and public health professional. She holds a bachelor's and a master's degree in public health from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She has bylines in AARP, Health, Healthline, Insider, Parents, Verywell Health, and publications.

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