Anal sex

Can I Get My Butt Stoned? – Experts Weigh in on CBD Oil for Anal Sex

Published: FEBRUARY 15, 2019 | Updated: AUGUST 29, 2021
CBD oil is a healthy alternative to toxic numbing creams for comfortable, relaxing, and pleasurable anal play

Anal sex and weed, you ask? Well, not exactly, but we knew it'd get your attention!

CBD oil, a derivative of the cannabis plant, is the latest trend to hit the sex scene, though it's not what you think. CBD doesn't actually get you “stoned;” that's THC, which creates the well-known high that can result in feeling a bout of pleasant brain fuzziness, enhanced visuals, or a serious case of the giggles, depending on how your body reacts.

CBD, on the other hand, is best known for bringing mental clarity and relieving anxiety and depression, along with a host of other healing properties.

CBD is often consumed in an edible or topical form, as the chemical must be extracted from the cannabis plant and then diluted. As luck would have it, it's also fantastic for prepping your booty for anal sex.

We polled two of today's top cannabis sexperts – Ashley Manta, a sex educator and the one-and-only CannaSexual, and Dr. Evan Goldstein, founder of Bespoke Surgical, which focuses on men's health and sexual wellness – to fill us in on the facts - ahem! - behind anal sex and CBD oil.

Read: Does Getting High Lead to Great Sex?

The Healing Powers of Weed

Forget propaganda that pegs cannabis as a party drug. Of course it can be fun to pass the J with your pals, but this magical plant can do so much more than provide smokin' entertainment.

“CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. There are so many reasons why people use CBD,” says Dr. Goldstein.

So that settles it – CBD oil will not get you stoned, and don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise. In fact, it's actually super beneficial to your overall health.

Studies show that it can help with pain modulation, mood-enhancement, and stress-relief, as well as having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,” he explains. “I recommend it to patients of mine who have a hard time fully relaxing or those who love to be on the receiving end of sex (or are curious to try), but have a hard time due to IBS. CBD can help reduce inflammation in the intestinal track and also allow for complete relaxation, which are obviously both key to enjoying anal sex.”

Read: Anal Play and IBS - Why It Doesn't Have to Be a No-Go

All-around cannabis fan Ashley Manta goes on to explain why you should get your CBD oil from cannabis, rather than hemp, if you want to reap all its rewards.

“I strongly prefer cannabis-derived CBD to hemp-derived CBD because the other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant are also quite useful,” says Manta, “but hemp-derived CBD is a better option for folks living in prohibition states or who cannot use THC. I have used it in topical form before sex many times and found it useful, and I've used it orally in tincture form for anxiety and stress management.”

Read: 7 Ways Cannabis Enhanced My Sex Life

The Benefits of CBD in Your Booty

So why does this natural oil work wonders on your sex life?

“I think CBD and sex are natural fits for each other,” says Dr. Goldstein.

Though we're specifically talking anal sex here, you can also incorporate CBD oil into masturbation or P-in-V sex, because, according to Dr. Goldstein: “it helps alleviate negative symptoms when someone typically experiences physical and/or mental impairment or limitations and it helps to enhance an otherwise already pleasurable experience.”

You've probably heard us diss all those toxic numbing creams that are often advertised for anal sex, but are actually full of harmful chemicals that can prevent you from properly reacting to pain, which often signals injury. CBD oil helps the anal muscles relax without numbing the affected areas, so you'll know where to set boundaries for safe anal play (and when to say, “please stop!”).

Read: 7 Tips for Having Anal Sex That Doesn't Hurt

“Topically it helps to reduce discomfort without numbing, which is key for anal play,” says Manta. “I would also suggest trying it in suppository form so that the cannabinoids have the opportunity to absorb into the mucosa of the rectum.”

Topical Versus Oral Use

CBD oil is in a league of its own. If you equate cannabis products with smoke, you'll be surprised to learn of all the new, healthier ways to imbibe.

“CBD is such a great addition to anal play and what’s nice is that there are so many options for how to incorporate it,” explains Dr. Goldstein. “There are vapes or tinctures, which allow people to inhale or ingest CBD for systemic effects. Specifically for anal sex, people can also apply it locally, either by using lubricants and/or suppositories that are infused with CBD.”

If you choose an oil that's safe to use directly on or inside the anus, you'll feel more than just extra cozy in the bum area. Your brain and body will still reap all of CBD's benefits as the chemical is absorbed into your blood stream.

“The anal canal has significant plexuses of blood vessels, which means that if applied locally, there can be both systemic absorption, as well as localized effects for fruitful engagement,” he continues. “CBD allows anal intercourse to be that much easier without the harmful effects that desensitizing lubes have (these can prevent you from feeling pain, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of serious injury).”

If you're new to CBD oil, Manta suggests trying several different options to figure out what relaxes dat booty the best.

“I would try it both orally, in suppository form, and on the outside as a topical, depending on your needs. If your need is more mind-based, stick with tinctures for oral consumption,” Manta explains. “If it's more for relaxation/comfort, use suppositories or topicals. For topicals, remember that it needs time to absorb so practice patience and go slowly, which is an important rule of thumb for anal generally!”

Don't Hesitate to Consult with a Doc

As with any new chemical you'd like to introduce into your body, talk to a cannabis-progressive doctor first.

“As with any substance, please consult a doctor who is knowledgeable in CBD before experimenting with its use  -  sexually or otherwise,” says Dr. Goldstein. “It’s important to know whether or not it’s going to interact with any personal ailments or other medications you may be on.”

Dr. Goldstein, who specializes in sexual health concerns for men, often within the gay community, notes that it's not just prescription drug interactions that can cause issues, but how certain substances are broken down in the body.

“For my world, specifically, I see a lot of patients who are on PrEP,” he says. “CBD and PrEP both get metabolized through the liver, so I suggest staggering doses with PrEP being taken in the morning and then the CBD oils later in the day. In addition, you can periodically ask your physician to take a liver and kidney function test to make sure there are no long-term effects with the ingestion of both PrEP and CBD. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough literature out there yet on how they interact, so it’s always best to err on the side of caution until we know more.”

Take the Stick Out of Your Ass (Figuratively, of Course) When it Comes to Alternative Cannabis Use

To put things in proper perspective, this article isn't suggesting that you roll up a big doobie, get so baked you can hardly walk, and then attempt your wildest round of anal sex ever. In fact, please don't. You could risk tearing or otherwise injuring the sensitive skin around your anus and the delicate tissue that lines your rectum.

But we are suggesting that you take another look at cannabis as more than just a way to party.

“CBD is becoming more and more socially acceptable and as people learn more about its natural and positive benefits, they’re realizing that it’s OK to bring it into the bedroom,” concludes Dr. Goldstein. “Because of CBD’s ability to increase tactile sensation and pleasure, it can cause heightened orgasms - who wouldn’t want that?”

Colleen Godin

Colleen Godin is a seasoned pleasure product professional and avid outdoors-woman, though rarely both at the same time. She has worked in the business of pleasure products since college. From the adult boutique counter to traveling the country for major toy manufacturers, she's seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of sex toy design. All those years of hawking cheap vibrators have turned my attention to the luxury toy market, where I specialize in...

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