Compulsory Monogamy

Compulsory monogamy is the cultural construct that presents monogamy as the the assumed path for everyone rather than simply one relationship option. Compulsory monogamy as an ideology tends to hold up the heterosexual, married couple as the ideal. Thus, it can be marginalizing for not only the nonmonogamous but also for people of different sexual orientations.

More About Compulsory Monogamy

The concept of compulsory monogamy can be seen all around us. It can be seen in fairy tales and in real life. It is widely presumed that everyone wants to get married and that all marriages are monogamous.

As nonmonogamy has become more mainstream, there is more examination of compulsory monogamy and its impact on the world. Some have come to question whether the awareness people have of it from a very young age sets them up to have unhealthy ideas about gender roles.


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