
Updated: SEPTEMBER 26, 2024

Coronesty is a modern slang term that combines "corona" (referring to the COVID-19 pandemic) and "honesty." It describes a trend or phenomenon where individuals engage in deeper, more vulnerable, and often brutally honest conversations with potential or current partners about their needs, desires, or expectations in relationships—especially during the height of lockdowns and social isolation.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people were forced to confront their own priorities (and some sure demons), leading to more open communication about romantic and sexual boundaries. The uncertainty and stress of the pandemic encouraged some individuals to be more upfront about what they wanted or needed from a partner, both in terms of emotional connection and sexual dynamics. For example, people might express sexual fantasies or preferences more directly, discuss non-monogamous arrangements, or explore kinks they may have previously been hesitant to mention.

Coronesty also reflects the practical need for transparency regarding health, particularly related to COVID-19 safety protocols like mask-wearing, social distancing, and testing. This extended to discussions around other health-related concerns, such as sexual health, STI status, and safety practices, underscoring the importance of clear communication for mutual respect and safety.

Ultimately, coronesty is about stripping away pretenses in the face of unprecedented global stress, allowing for authentic conversations that might have been delayed or avoided in pre-pandemic times. It encouraged partners to build trust through vulnerability, laying the groundwork for more meaningful and open relationships moving forward.

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