
To detransition is the process of realigning one's appearance with one’s gender assigned at birth after a period of transition. A detransition may occur after social transition, medical transition, or both types of transition. People who detransition may be cisgender people who once believed they were transgender and people who identify as nonbinary or gender fluid but do not feel transitioning helps them present themselves in the best way.


More About Detransition

Detransition, just like transition, is a personal process that can be motivated by many different factors. Some people believe they were confused about their identities and that they were never really transgender. So they revert to a more cisgender presentation. Others decide transitioning is not the best way for them to express their gender nonconformity.

Some people determine that attempting to present as cisgender is not the most authentic way to represent their queerness and find alternative methods to present to society. Other people are disappointed in their transition, either because they do not feel they pass as a man or woman or because their transition does not solve their feelings of dysphoria. Some people decide they would rather focus on being more comfortable in themselves rather than changing their appearance to feel comfortable. Others detransition to avoid harassment. Some people become concerned about the medical and fertility implications of transitioning and believe detransitioning is the healthiest choice.

Detransition can also involve several different processes, depending on how individuals have transitioned. These processes are similar to the processes involved in transitioning. A detransitioning person may adopt a new name, often their birth name, and pronouns and encourage others to use them. They usually start dressing in a way that’s more typically for their gender assigned at birth. They may stop taking hormones and/or get surgery to reconstruct their bodies.


While detransitioning is an individual process, it is one that can come with backlash. People detransitioning may face harassment and be accused of setting transgender rights back. Some people say they fear speaking to medical professionals about detransitioning because they worry about being perceived negatively.


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