
Katoptroniophilia is a fetish for mirrors. Individuals who experience katoptroniophilia may participate more in activities such as masturbating, engaging in intercourse, stripping, or carrying out other sexual actions all in front of mirrors. The desire to carry out katoptronophiliac fantasies might lead to the construction of an environment that enables practitioners to see themselves in a mirror during sex. This may be achieved, for example, by surrounding a room with mirrors, placing mirrors throughout a home, or installing mirrors on the ceiling above the bed.

More About Katoptronophilia

The fantasy of engaging in sexual activity in front of mirrors is common and the practice is often featured in pornographic films. Unlike voyeurism, where the act of watching is surreptitious and focused on others, in katoptroniophilia the act of watching is overt, with the practitioner observing themselves as well as their partner(s) in the mirror(s).

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