
PassionSkin is a trademarked name for a softened variety of Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE). As its name suggests, PassionSkin is used to make a variety of sex toys including vibrators and dildos.

PassionSkin has a greater molecular density than traditional Thermoplastic Elastomer. This makes the material more flexible than many other Thermoplastic Elastomers, and also more resilient.

PassionSkin is also known as SensaFirm, Trueskin, PleasureSkin, Techno-Skin, and Private Touch.

More About PassionSkin

PassionSkin is softer than traditional Thermoplastic Elastomer which helps toys made from this substance feel more like real skin. To enhance your pleasure, use a PassionSkin toy with a water-based lubricant. Silicone and oil-based lubricants should never be used with PassionSkin toys, as these substances will damage the material.

PassionSkin is a porous material, although it’s less porous than the type of Thermoplastic Elastomer known as Cyberskin. People who own sex toys made from PassionSkin should wash them thoroughly with warm water and mild antibacterial soap or toy cleaner to ensure that they don’t become dirty or breed bacteria. As an extra measure, many people choose to wear a condom while using their PassionSkin sex toys. PassionSkin also can’t be disinfected. It’s smart to use a condom if you’re sharing toys made from this material.

PassionSkin may degrade over time, but sprinkling a little corn starch over the toy and wiping it in with a soft cloth can help revamp the material. Store your PassionSkin toys in individual cloth bags in a cool, dark place to preserve and protect the integrity of the material.

PassionSkin is hypoallergenic and phthalate free. Sex toys made from this material may suit people with allergies and skin sensitivities.


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