Revenge Porn

Revenge porn is sexually explicit video footage or pictures that are uploaded to the internet without the consent of the person in them. The material is commonly distributed by an ex-partner and serves as revenge for a breakup or relationship woes. These images may have originally been exchanged during the relationship and are intended for private consumption. In some cases, photoshop is used to enhance the comprimising nature of the photos. It is common for the poster to provide names, links to social media accounts and other identifying information along with the images. As a means of revenue, some revenge porn sites charge a hefty fee to those requesting the removal of images and video that portrays them.

More About Revenge Porn

In the United States, revenge porn websites have come under legal scrutiny as a number of states are taking steps to make these kinds of sites illegal. Whether images are posted as a means of revenge, humiliation, or in an attempt to collect a fee for their removal, many argue that revenge porn violates privacy laws and, in some cases, resembles extortion. On the other hand, some free speech advocates hold the belief that if images were initially created and given to someone with the consent of the subject, then that second party should be free to do with them what they wish.



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