Sexual Health

Sexual health refers to the mental, social, emotional, and physical well-being of an individual towards human sexuality in general. A sexually healthy individual also has a respectful approach towards sexual relationship without resorting to violence, coercion, and discrimination. There are quite a few psychological and physiological factors that can affect one’s sexual health. Most treatments include sex therapy or, in more serious cases, drugs and hormones. A sexually healthy person is often concerned about his or her partner’s pleasure and satisfaction.


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According to the World Health Organization, a sexually healthy person does not feel the urge to resort to violence or coercion when it comes to sexual intercourse and intimacy. Being sexually healthy also entails respecting the sexual rights of your partner. By this token, sexually healthy individuals are often devoid of STDs. These people tend to indulge in what is often considered as ‘normal sex’ instead of more edgy and intense practices such as BDSM.


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