Slut Shaming

Updated: FEBRUARY 17, 2020

Slut shaming is the act of admonishing a woman or making her feel ashamed because of the way she expresses her sexuality. A woman is most often a victim of slut shaming when she has multiple sexual partners, but it can also happen to women who act, speak, or dress a certain way. Surprisingly, women are most often both the perpetrators and victims when it comes to slut shaming.

Slut shaming is believed to occur because when it comes to sexual activity, there's something of a double standard. Men are expected to be sexual beings while women are expected to be more modest. As a result, women who aren't afraid to express their sexuality are often criticized and ostracized for their beliefs and actions.

More About Slut Shaming

Slut shaming is not just a harmless phenomenon that involves insulting women. It can cause some serious problems including low self-esteem and depression.

One unusual method that women and feminist groups are using to help spread awareness about slut shaming is through "SlutWalks." These are mass protests in which women dress in revealing clothing and march on city streets. The first SlutWalk was held in Toronto, Ontario, following an incident in which a police officer told students that sexual assault could be prevented by not dressing in revealing clothing. Since then, there have been SlutWalks in several cities around the world, including London, Melbourne, Austin, Chicago, and Boston.


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