Spivakian Pronouns

Updated: OCTOBER 5, 2020

Spivakian pronouns or Spivak pronouns are a specific set of gender-neutral pronouns created by mathematician Michael Spivak. These pronouns can be used in speech and writing in place of he/she pronouns. The Spivakian pronouns are as follows: Subject: e, Object: em, Possesive Adjective: eir, Possesive Pronoun: eirs, Reflexive: emself.

More About Spivakian Pronouns

The history of Spivakian pronouns goes back to the late 1970s, but they did not come to be called by that name until May of 1991 when a programmer added "spivak" as a gender option on the game LambdaMoo, causing the game to refer to players who chose it with the pronouns e, em, eir, eirs, and, emself.

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