
Vampirism is a form of paraphilic condition where a person is attracted to the vampire lifestyle. As a sexual lifestyle, vampirism incorporates ideas and practices from the goth and sadomasochism subcultures. This may involve goth clothing, nocturnal body cycles, blood-letting and consumption, and BDSM play. As a modern movement, its linkages include Bram Stoker's Dracula, which made the vampire scene erotic.

More About Vampirism

Vampirism, as a sexual lifestyle, can be very exciting. There's always something thrilling about a mysterious blood-sucker! A vampire moves with such grace and cunning, their mere voice can send chills down one's spine. It is great to be one, or to be with one. Of course, when it comes to the practice of blood letting and consumption, take it easy. If one has to cut skin, don't cut too deep. Respect each other's limits and heed the safe word when uttered. Also, be aware of safety when it comes to consuming blood or biting others.

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