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How Gen Z Are Meeting (and Dating) Each Other

Published: AUGUST 6, 2024

A recent study shows that Gen Z are relying less on the Internet and apps to meet new friends and secure dating partners. The control group here. made up of people between the ages 18-27, revealed findings that 16 percent of those surveyed prefer dating apps, but 90 percent enjoy in-person social gatherings.

The findings also pointed out some interesting differences in preference between those folks identifying as male and female.

What females want

The findings here suggest that those interviewed who identify as female lean towards what the survey calls “emotionally comfortable environments,” to meet people. These include weddings and parties, being introduced to someone by a family member or friend, maybe bumping into someone at a bookstore café, and when appropriate, wanting to get to know a coworker better.

Surely the people in this group claimed they were interested in Instagram and TikTok interactions and dating apps; technology is not completely disregarded, as is the case for the group identifying as male.  

What males want

The survey claims that those Gen Z-ers here who identify as male “typically favor more structured and goal-oriented approaches,” when meeting someone. In this case, speed dating, possibly meeting someone at a political rally or protest (of which, we would all agree, there seems to be plenty happening these days), concerts and sporting events work best in facilitating social interaction.

Although the numbers are closing fast, online gaming percentages show that there are still more people who identify as male engaging in online gaming than people who identify as women. The male group then might be more apt to find someone they might want to meet offline when finding that person online engaged in a group gaming or VR experience.

Why the paradigm shift?

It might be less exhaustion from technology (surely Gen Z-ers enjoy as much, or more so, the use of technology than anyone else) and simply an ‘old’ new way of approaching social interaction, a need to get up and away from gaming consuls, and freeing one’s self of a cell phone.

And less we forget…quarantining a populace is bound to have an effect, as much leading to some folks of that populace being skittish over the lockdown being lifted as plenty of others wanting to get out and see their fellows, sniff them and the air!

The report here also indicates that lots of Gen Ze-rs want to meet potential dates face to face first and foremost, as opposed to spending time on an app trying to get to know somebody before they have been in their physical presence.

And while the Metaverse is not exactly dead, there have been stuttered steps in its full infiltration into the culture. It could be that the generation that was growing with it might not be exactly suspect, but simply do not have the time to wait for things to catch up to their budding social needs. And quite frankly, their desire to get laid! Toys are all well and good, but…  

And it could be that this smart, socially conscious, emotionally aware generation does not want to be defined by their tech, and toys. Or that they have a good sense of the limits of being online—for work, play, limited and quick socializing—and how they do not want, any more than it already does, slipping into the more substantive aspects of their lives.

Ralph Greco

Ralph Greco, Jr. is an ASCAP licensed songwriter, professional playwright, the senior east coast correspondent/reviewer/interviewer for, press liaison for The Erotic Heritage Museum, blogger for latex designer Dawnamatrix Designs, co-host of the podcast Licking Non-Vanilla and a professional copywriter for adult as well as mainstream clients around the world. Ralph is now the resident Staff Writer for Kinkly as well. Ralph’s short fiction (erotic and ‘straight’) poetry and essays have been published in eight...

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