How to pleasure

How to Worship a Cock

Published: NOVEMBER 4, 2021 | Updated: JULY 25, 2022
Cock worship means taking the time to slow down and enjoy your partner's body while you lavish attention on them. How kinky you want to make it is up to you!

Welcome to the world of "cock worship"! Different than simple oral sex or a handjob, the act of cock worship is focused on, literally, worshipping the penis.

What that, exactly, means will vary based on the participants. It can feature imaginative use of a collection of sex toys or only your bodies, but at the very minimum, it means that the act is done with a sense of reverence and full presence that other types of oral pleasure may not include.

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What is Cock Worship?

It all sounds kinda vague, right? That's because it really is. Cock worship is unique to the people participating. It can be super kinky with heavy bondage and deprivation- but it could also be a serious bonding activity with love, connectivity, and true acceptance for another person's body.

Examples of a Cock Worship Scene

The giver is sitting on a dining chair - with rope wrapped around their legs and torso to bind them to the chair and ensure that they can't move. A blindfold wrapped around the giver's head ensures no light can be seen. The cock-owner strides up to their bound partner, gently takes the giver's wrists in their own hands, and guides the giver's hand to the penis.

Without sight - and while enjoying the comforting feel of bondage - the giver worships the cock-owner's cock with their hands and mouth. The cock-owner is rough during the worship - forcefully placing their partner's hands and mouth where they want them at any given moment - but they also compliment the giver's skills in phrases that sound closer to dirty pillow talk than public-appropriate compliments.


The cock owner is laying back on the couch with their arms casually thrown over the back of the couch cushions. Their partner is kneeling in front of them - as they have been for the last hour - with the firm surface of the silicone dildo cock caressing the inside of the giver's cheeks. The cock owner murmurs compliments and praise - and encourages the giver to feel every inch of their length, smell their scent, and memorize every sensation that's going on.


The giver is kneeling in an dark room only lit by the flickering of candles found all along the walls. A rhythmic, soothing beat plays on the speakers, but otherwise, the room is quiet. The cock-owner strides into the room, clad only in a dark, satin robe. The cock-owner steps in front of the giver, recites a simple vow, and clasps an elaborate necklace around the giver's throat. The satin robe is then slowly untied, and it silently drops to the ground as the giver takes the cock-owners penis into their mouth.

All of that can be considered cock worship!

Can Cock Worship Be Done on a Strap-On?

There's absolutely nothing out there saying that the worshipped penis needs to be a biological one that the person was born with. Any type of cock - or penis stand-in - can easily become the target for cock worship. That's all part of the fun!

(However, taste-wise, I'd recommend sticking to a silicone dildo for cock worship, if possible. Some jelly/TPR/"proprietary realistic skin" toys can taste pretty horrid, and you want to avoid super-rigid toys like glass or stainless steel even though they'd be tasteless. Silicone is the happy medium there with a tasteless design that's also squishy for teeth safety.)

For strap-on cock worship scenes that are strapped onto a vulva, I'd recommend incorporating some of your favorite sex toys to ensure that the cock-owner is receiving some sensations during the cock worship scene. The Satisfyer Sexy Secret worn on a pair of underwear can provide clitoral sensations during the cock worship scene - and can actually provide a solid, protruding point for clitoral stimulation when the dildo presses into the vulva.

How to Worship a Cock?

As you've noted above, cock worship is really unique to the couples who are enjoying it. That being said, there are various activities and methods that can help take your traditional penis pleasuring activities and gently morph them into cock worship scenes:

Be fully present. The easiest way to turn any standard activity into cock worship is by your attention and presence. Take in how the cock-owner smells. Pay attention to the unique texture and shape of the penis you're playing with. How does it look? What's the unique taste of skin - or pre-cum or semen? Take in - and enjoy - those sensations to easily turn a standard scene into a cock worship scene. Try to memorize every detail about the penis, testicles, and surrounding skin of the cock-owner.

Consider connection exercises beforehand. If the cock-owner or giver are having issues shutting out the outside world, consider some connecting exercises before going straight to the cock worship itself. Tantric sex practitioners highly recommend minutes of direct eye contact - or just sitting together and breathing together.

My recommendation for something that's on the same level but a bit less intense for newbies to connective exercises? Have one person close their eyes, extend their arms, and place their palms out flat in front of them. Their partner then covers the blindfolded person's palms with their own palms, and without interlocking fingers or gripping one another in any way, the eyes-open person guides the eyes-closed person's hands around to wherever they'd like. When you've done this for a few minutes, switch roles. This is a gentle way to bring focus on the two of you, how your bodies connect and feel together, and gently shut out everything else going on in your day while you focus on keeping your skin touching.

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Compliment and romanticize the penis. A lot of cock-owners feel self-conscious about their penises - just like people who own vulvas can feel. Speaking compliments out loud - and letting the cock-owner hear how much the giver loves the penis - can go a long way during cock worship.

Don't go for orgasm. While orgasm might be the goal later on, the "goal-oriented" touches and strokes you've come to rely on don't have much of a place in cock worship. Cock worship is all about exploring the entirety of the penis and enjoying every single inch. This means that you'll need to toss your "effective" techniques out the window to try connective, exploratory touch instead.

Don't forget the surrounding area. While cock worship is, primarily, about the penis, it also can (and should!) be about the surrounding area as well. Touch the inner thighs. Trace the crease between the thighs and the abdomen. Gently squeeze and touch the testicles. Trace fingers up their stomach, and lightly run fingers down the thighs. Think of the cock as the epicenter of the area to pleasure - but there's a whole lot of surrounding, sensitive skin that is there to explore too.

Use toys. If your cock worship session has been going on for a few hours, it makes sense that the giver's hand and mouth might get a bit tired. While a bit of soreness the next day can be a fun reminder of the cock worshipping session, there's no reason that the sensation needs to end once body parts start getting fatigued. Use sex toys like the Satisfyer Men Wand to swap out during cock worship to keep providing sensation when the giver needs a bit of a break.

Use hands-free sex toys. While you're at it, there's no reason that the cock worship session needs to ONLY pleasure the penis. If the cock-owner is into anal play, a toy like the Satisfyer Booty Beads can be slid up the butt before the cock worship session begins. This adds even more sensation to the experience - so you might end up taking more frequent breaks as the cock-owner may get closer to orgasm more quickly.

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Take your sweet time. It's hard to give off a "cock worship" vibe if you're trying to quickly get the cock-owner to orgasm in order to watch a TV series premiere. Instead, if the goal is cock worship, expect to spend an hour or two just on that activity. Take your time. Enjoy the sensations. Enjoy going from flaccid to erect - or just enjoying the flaccid sensations!

Remember cock worship isn't necessarily about erections or ejaculation. While most cock worship scenes tend to end in ejaculation - because the sensations of cock worship can feel fantastic and turn someone on - cock worship doesn't need to end that way. It's very possible that your cock-owner's penis may stay flaccid the entire time, and in the spirit of cock worship, that means loving, enjoying, and exploring the flaccid state just as thoroughly as you enjoy the erect state too. (For strap-on owners, this may include strapping on a packing dildo versus a penetrating dildo.)

Come up with rituals. Cock worship can be as ritualistic - or as simple - as you want it to be. One of the easiest ways to turn this activity into feeling like "worship", though, can be to figure out ritualistic aspects that you'd like to employ when you're doing cock worship scenes. This could include special music, dimmed lights, specific attire, vows that you repeat to one another, or physical movements that you both do before engaging in the cock worship.

Make them feel worshipped. There's a lot of things you can physically "do" to make a scene look like worship, but if the cock-owner doesn't feel like their parts are being worshipped, most of the frilly activities may be for naught. Express your appreciation for their parts. Make it clear there's nowhere else in the world you'd rather be. Show your enthusiasm and appreciation for being allowed near such a sensitive and private part of their body. Take breaks for compliments, sips of water, and lots of eye contact.

Set the mood. Cock worship scenes are all about adding a bit of pomp and circumstance to the average intimate time two people experience together. Figure out what "mood" would work best for the both of you - and make it a priority to "set" that mood before the cock worship scene. That might be a room lit only by candlelight. It might be a dungeon space with pulsing rock music. It might just be your bedroom - with all of the piles of "to-deal-with" items all nicely put away. Whatever it happens to be, discuss what an ideal "mood" for the two of you is - and work towards making it happen. Candlelight isn't for everybody - but it is for some.

What Can a Cock-Owner Do During Cock Worship?

In order to make cock worship successful, the owner of the penis needs to take some of the responsibility. While the giver will provide a lot of the sensation (and the "worship"), the penis owner is responsible for a lot of the scene framing - and ensuring that your cock worship session feels more like "worship" and less like a casual blowjob.

The cock-owner can do this through their words - but most importantly, they can do it through their full attention. If your partner is taking their time to ignore everything else in life - and just focus on an intimate part of the cock-owner's body - the least they can do is return the favor and be fully present for the experience.

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This means gently holding their partner's head still - or asking for a break - if they feel that ejaculation is approaching. They shouldn't let your mind wander to "help things last longer" - just openly communicate with their partner, let their partner turn their attention to other sensitive spots around the penis that may not be orgasm-inducing, and allow the cock-owner a bit to calm down before the orgasmic sensations resume again. Approaching orgasm - but not wanting cock worship to end - is entirely normal, and all it takes is a bit of communication to ensure that both partners stay fully present while still staving off orgasm for a bit longer.

The cock-owner is also responsible for providing the genuine gratitude, thanks, and appreciation that the giving partner should receive after such an intense, vulnerable, and intimate scene. Make sure that the giving partner feels appreciated for participating in a cock worship scene.

Above All, Have Fun

Your cock worship scene might be extremely serious - or it might involve fits of giggles. Your cock worship scene might incorporate bondage - or it might have a whole host of different sex toys to play with too.

The point is: it's your cock worship scene. The act of cock worship is unique to every person - and unique to every couple. Figure out what appeals to the both of you about cock worship, take some of these tips, and start piecing together your ideal way to worship a cock in your life. I promise - it's lots of fun!

Mistress Kay

Mistress Kay has a fondness for all things sexual. With a house that's quickly running out of room for all of her reading and vibrating pleasures, she spends her free time reading, writing, and learning about the sexual universe with her partners. She can be reached at Kinky World.

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