Every month, Kinkly presents you with one of the best Sex Bloggers found on the Internet. What better way to keep July hot and steamy than to introduce you to Charlotte of My Tickle Trunk? We chose Charlotte because of her clever, educational and first-person perspective on all things sex! Here are Addie's 10 answers to Kinkly's 10 questions.
Kinkly: Give us three words that describe your blog.
Charlotte: Exploratory, clever, experience.
Kinkly: What inspired you to start the blog?
Charlotte: If my high school guidance counselor had told me that being a sex writer was an option, I wouldn't have wasted the first half of my adult life trying to find my passion. I've loved talking about sex since I was a teenager. I always thought that I was just being immature and I'd grow out of it, but when I found the sex blogger community, it was like opening the flood gate. I knew I had to be a part of this because these people thought and talked just like me! Like sex was a part of life! I had dabbled in sex toy reviews back in college for specific companies, so I knew that I could revive that experience and turn it into something really cool.
Kinkly: What’s behind the name?
Charlotte: Any Canadian remembers growing up watching "Mr. Dressup," a children's musical TV show. He kept all his props and skits inside a "Tickle Trunk." One day I used that term to describe my sex toy collection as a bit of a joke. It has everything – childhood whimsy, Canadiana and sexual undertones!
Kinkly: Who’s your target reader?
Charlotte: Well, me. I'm always writing with the intent to educate myself through a time vortex. Every new experience I've documented is an attempt to answer the questions that I asked before I had that experience. I basically want to educate someone like myself from a couple years ago, when I was moderately sexual, but felt kind of ashamed for being so interested in the industry and the lifestyle. My blog is for the woman who really likes sex & toys, and is moderately experienced, but might have fantasies and questions about pursuing them.
Kinkly: What’s unique about your blog?
Charlotte: I like to tell a story. The way I review toys kind of bypasses the technical info that you can find on any product page and really puts you inside my personal experience. You can get an idea of how that product made me feel. I don’t want to waste your time with three paragraphs of info that you could (and probably have) just as easily found on your own; I want to tell the story of my experience so that you might be able to relate to it and figure out if it's for you. Same goes for any of my sexual adventures - I tell all my experiences as detailed stories because the details and the emotions are what really intrigue us when it comes to fantasy.
Sex toy reviews are my core content right now, since they allow me to explore a lot of my own sexual preferences. I just love how fun and interesting sex becomes depending on what toy you might choose to introduce!
Kinkly: What was your most popular post ever? Why do you think it drew so many readers?
Charlotte: "My First Sex Club: Oasis Aqualounge" is my most popular post. Oasis is an upscale Toronto sex club, and when my partner and I began exploring the scene, we noticed that there wasn't much comprehensive information on visiting for the first time besides bare bones tours. I wanted to create a guide on what to expect for the first time, the atmosphere, the people, and really give my readers an idea of the experience that they can look forward to in a new environment. It's probably one of my more unique and informative pieces. I'm thrilled that it can still be used as a resource.
Kinkly: What’s the best thing about writing a sex blog?
Charlotte: Finally having an outlet in a community that embraces sexuality is very freeing and sexually motivating. Writing this has really pushed me to do the things I've always wanted to do, just so I can show people that "Hey! This is totally a cool thing to want!" It will hopefully give someone the answers they were looking to find. Being more adventurous is definitely a side effect of talking about sex 24/7.
Kinkly: What's the worst thing about it?
Charlotte: Not being able to talk about it with everyone. It's become a big part of who I am, and for some people in my life I still have to very much hold back. I love talking about sex and toys and being someone that can be asked for advice, but I'm not ready for the entire world, including my professional associations, to know me as that girl. One day I'll be much more open and have my image attached to it, but until I feel like I've tested the waters with more people in my life, it's gotta be a select secret.
Kinkly: OK, now for the good stuff: Give us your best tip for great sex.
Charlotte: It's hardly groundbreaking, but it's fact - communicate! Like, from the very start. From those early make-out sessions, just take a moment between face-sucking and ask things like "So, did you like that?" or break the ice of sexual conversation with funny questions like "So what's the weirdest sex you've ever had?" That can open up the floor to discussing the good and bad that you've both experienced, which can move into what you each desire. My partner and I were open about sex from the very first date and we tell each other each and every fantasy - that way it might actually happen! Talking is the sexiest part of our relationship.
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