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Sex Stories We Love: Nudity on Facebook, a Gay Gene and Personal Growth in D/s Relationships

Published: MARCH 10, 2015 | Updated: FEBRUARY 14, 2022
Have you been reading the news? OK, OK, but have you just been reading the boring stuff, or have you been keeping an eye out for new stories, issues and debates in the world of sex? We have! Check out the Sex Stories We Love from the past week.

Celebrity Icons Bare Their Art

When photographer Audra Williams learned that Leonard Nimoy had passed away at the age of 83 on February 27, one of the ways she found fit to pay tribute to him was to post two photographs by Nimoy from a series titled "The Full Body Project" on Facebook. The series is a collection of nudes Nimoy took in 2007 of San Francisco burlesque troupe, the Fat-Bottom Revue. The women are posed similarly to photographs taken by other famous art photographers such as Herb Ritts and Marcel Duchamp.

A few days after her post, Williams got an email from the Facebook police (subcontractors based in the Philippines that review flagged Facebook posts) informing her that the photos had been removed. Her account was not reinstated until she promised not to violate Facebook’s community standards again.

Williams says she isn’t the only person who got sent to Facebook jail based on its community standards on nudity. According to Facebook Community Standards Nudity & Pornogrpahy section, the company places restrictions on nudity, but says, "We aspire to respect people’s right to share content of personal importance, whether those are photos of a sculpture like Michelangelo's David or family photos of a child breastfeeding." Supposedly, fat and body acceptance are of no importance to Facebook. Williams shares more of what happened on Ravishly.

The man we’ve come to know as Mr. Spock wasn’t the only cultural icon who celebrated the female body in all of its shapes and forms. Theodore Geisel (AKA Dr. Seuss) published a nude picture book, "The Seven Lady Godivas: The True Facts Concerning History's Barest Family," and copies are floating around for a pretty hefty sum among book collectors. Read more of the deets at Mashable.

NYC Porn Film Festival Mashup

New York City held its annual Porn Film Festival last week and in case you didn’t attend, Mashable writer Yohana Desta went and did quite the mashup about the 20 things she can't unsee from the event. Desta wrote that the festival was nothing at all like she expected. "At its heart, it was an experimental film festival, complete with intelligent lectures from historians, artists and former TED Talk lecturers. The audience was full of young, attentive art fanatics who were sincere in their quests to support this most audacious of fests," Desta wrote. Yours truly was mentioned as No. 5 in Desta's list, which she called "a film of a 70-year-old couple on a sex swing." I don’t know how I could pass for half of a 70-year-old couple, even without checking sources, but I suppose to some people, everyone of a certain age looks the same. Even so, Desta writes, "they live a more exciting and fulfilling life than I ever will."

Hitting the Spot on the Possible Gay Gene

Kinkly’s Sex Blogger of the Month Dorothy Black of The Dot Spot wonders and writes about sex in all of its forms, even if they don’t affect her. So upon the discovering that a gay gene may exist, Dot recently turned back to a conversation she had had with a gay male friend, turning it into a recent blog post called Is There a Gay Gene? Should We Care? There are definitely differing opinions on this, but Dot and her friend are mostly concerned about this potential discovery. As her friend told her: "Dot … I hope to all God it’s some crazy reaction to upbringing, because if it is genetic it won’t be long before they isolate that gene and find a way of splicing it out and doing away with gayness altogether. And then where will we be? In a world filled with white, straight men."

BDSM Isn’t Perfect, and Neither are We

In theory, a good BDSM relationship should be the perfect ying and yang - one partner dominates and exercises control, while the other submits and follows. But there are some big things that get in the way. We’re human, even when we try hard to be perfect, and Doms and subs are no less multidimensional than the rest of us. Kayla Lords shares her thoughts and experiences on the complexities of D/s - and all - relationships in her blog, A Sexual Being.

Streetwalker for a Night

We all have our fantasies. Some of us play them out, even if they’re dangerous. For Joy St. James, getting dressed up in her sluttiest garb and hitting the streets of Washington, D.C., was part curiosity and part adventure. Was it as exciting or as risky as she hoped? She spills all in "I Was a Streetwalker for a Night" in Nerve.
Bobbie Morgan

Bobbie Morgan is the beditor-in-chief of A Good Woman's Dirty Mind. When she's not blogging or having the best sex ever, she's putting out writing and social media services for adult businesses.

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