Sex education

Sex Stories We Love: Sex Myths, Slut Shaming and a Very Controversial Piece of Art

Published: JULY 8, 2014 | Updated: FEBRUARY 14, 2022

As in all relationships, some weeks are good, some weeks ... not so much. I don't think we can chalk this past week up as a good week in terms of sex news. Even so, there's still a lot to learn - and a lot to talk about. Here are some of the top stories about sex that sparked conversation on the Web.

Sex Toys Shouldn't Be Frightening

I totally get the meaning of this campaign and I agree with the intent. And hey, it is pretty funny to watch kids running around a yard using dildos as weapons. However, I am uncomfortable with the idea that we lock up certain things so that people don't see them or so that children don't play with them. Would it really be the worst thing in the world if a kid found a dildo? The well-meaning ad uses an undercurrent of pleasure shame to make a valid point, and that just doesn't give me good vibrations.

Slut-Shaming, Bad Decisions ... Both?

The viral sensation of this week involves an unnamed woman who, apparently, went down on 24 men in a bar in the holiday resort of Magaluf on the Spanish island of Majorca. All to win a drink. Not surprisingly, the majority of comments are negative, as people question everything from this woman's intelligence, to her morality and, in some cases, even her sanity. Of course, there's also a heaping dose of slut-shaming thrown in there.

Now, I am not about to say that giving 24 men blow jobs in a bar for a drink is an activity everyone should rush out and do (mostly because of health concerns); however, if a woman chooses to do this ... then ... well ... that's the end of the story. Football rushing backs choose to slam their bodies very hard into a group of large individuals repeatedly over the course of a game. Why are they heroes?

Helping Get Sex Right?

I love posts that discredit sex myths. You know, those stories we all hear at some point that sound ridiculous but we are forced to sort of believe because someone we know heard it from someone else who got the story from his mom who totally had it happen to her hair stylist.

Well, now there's a fun, educational new book out called "Don't Put That In There!: And 69 Other Sex Myths Debunked" by Aaron Carroll and Rachel Vreeman of Indiana University that takes aim at all of those titillating tales. My favorite of this sample is the idea that you can get an STI from a toilet seat. That, at least, is one myth that's pretty hard to believe.

Time to Blast Off?

Am I the only one who thinks the Launchpad is a good idea? Almost every comment I've seen about this new product that allows you to attach a Fleshlight to the back of an iPad has been negative and mocking. If I had an iPad, I'd totally get one of these! I think it holds great potential for both videochat sexy time and plain, old porn sexy time. Sure, it might look a little awkward and you'll have to be careful where you aim, but the creators of Launchpad have my one-handed salute!

Womens’ Art Is As Controversial As Their Bodies?

I'll admit that I'm all for clicking on a link if it suggests some sort of sex-related scandal. Well, not the celebrity kind, but pretty much anything else. Like artist Leena McCall's work being removed from a London gallery for being "too pornographic and disgusting."

Here's a photo of "Portrait of Ms Ruby May" on display at Mall Galleries:

Portrait of Ms Ruby May by Leena McCall on display at Mall Galleries


THIS was deemed "too pornographic and disgusting" by Mall Galleries? I am very curious of their rationale here. I suspect it goes something like this: "A woman painted this? Well then it is filth. Women don't paint such things."

There is no way in the world that a man paints that same image and it gets yanked. No way at all.

Get a New Hobby

Fortunately, some people learn and evolve. In the wake of the horrendous Hobby Lobby decision by the U.S. Supreme Court granting corporations the right to not grant female contraception coverage to employees, even some people of faith are fighting back.

A minister of a United Church congregation and other religious leaders got together with Planned Parenthood to hand out condoms in front of a Hobby Lobby outlet. Good for them for making a public point! It's easy to for the sex community to get down on the religious community - they aren't always nice to us. Here's an example of one sect moving forward.

Pipe Cleaners Make Everyone Happy

And, of course, no week is a total disaster, even when something like the Hobby Lobby decision happens. In fact, some people, people like Sandy Riccardi, manage to find an entirely silver lining to the whole affair.

Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is a sex-related media gadabout. For more than 20 years, Jon has been putting sex into our daily conversations at his long-running site SexInWords—as a writer, editor, publisher, sex toy reviewer, radio host, workshop facilitator, event producer and more. These days, he focuses on writing for Kinkly, GetMeGiddy, The Buzz and PinkPlayMags and editing Jason Armstrong's series of Solosexual books. In 2015, Jon edited Cleis Press' Best Sex Writing of the...

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