Sex education

Sex Stories We Love: The Double Dick, the Vanishing Vulva and 14 Things to NOT Put In Your Butt

Published: JUNE 30, 2015 | Updated: FEBRUARY 14, 2022

#AdultSexEdMonth is wrapping up. It’s been filled with tons of basic how-to and what-is kinds of stories and information. But there are some stories that have really stood out as some of the most interesting among the hundreds of stories and videos that have been shared online during the month of June. In this week's Sex Stories We Love, we'll take a look at the top adult sex ed stories from the past month.

The Real-Life Legend of the Double Dick Dude

It’s hard not to laugh at or have fantasies about men who have two penises, but they do exist. One guy, who calls himself the Double Dick Dude (or DDD), has even shared pictures of his privates online and has written a book about his “twins”. But in all seriousness, PrettYymissRN says that DDD and other men like him don’t necessarily have double the fun. Men with diphalia are prone to have urinary tract infections, spina bifida and renal, prostate and fertility problems. DDD says that he has to ejaculate frequently because the buildup of seminal fluid can be painful and affect his prostate. He also uses a cock ring to get both penises fully erect. Even though DDD has been offered the opportunity to do porn many times, he says,“I can’t figure a value for my dignity. The only reason I let photos out is because I thought people might like to know at least one guy with two normal dicks exists.”

The Mystery of the Vanishing Vulva

It had taken years for Alicia the Sexual Intellectual of Raw Sex Radio to get properly diagnosed with lichen sclerosus (LS). It’s a rare autoimmune disorder that causes the vulvar area to fuse together, causing tightening and scarring around the vaginal opening, making it difficult for some women to urinate and menstruate, let alone have sex. Although his condition usually happens to post-menopausal women, this savvy 20-something is not taking it lying down. She’s found proper medical treatment and an online support group for women with LS. She’s looking for other women with LS to share their experiences in a book she is working on, "Lichen Sclerosus: Mystery of The Vanishing Vulva." Alicia shares her story and has details about the call for submissions for her book in this blog post.

Leave it to Some Kids to Develop a Better Condom

All most kids are told about how to prevent getting or passing along STIs is to wear a condom. However, a group of teenagers have taken this proactive line of defense several steps further with the S.T.Eye, a condom that changes color and glows when a small layer of chemicals on the surface comes in contact with common viral and bacterial STIs - yellow for herpes, green for chlamydia, blue for syphilis and purple for the human papillomavirus. It’s not on the market, at least not yet, but the S.T.Eye team recently took top prize in the health category in the Teen Tech Awards earlier this month.

The Sex and Dementia Dilemma

In many cases, there’s no reason why your sex life should die before you do. Even if the thought of your parents or grandparents having sex wigs you out, think of this: Would you want to stop having sex at any point in your life? What if you have a parent or grandparent with dementia, someone who cannot make responsible decisions for themselves? Should they be denied the right to have a sex life? This is a conundrum for many caregivers and health care providers. Ronald Pies, a professor at the State University of New York’s Upstate Medical University and Tufts University, debates the issue in an article he wrote for The Washington Post.

Taking the Dis Out of the Ability to Have Sex

Another segment of the population most people can’t imagine having sex are the disabled. Many people assume that they’re not physically able to have sex, or just don’t want to imagine it. There are lots of disabled people that who been told or just assume that they can’t have a fulfilling sex life. But many people with disabilities do have sex. They often find ways to make it work, mostly on their own because the how-to resources are rather limited. Not so during the month of June. Several #AdultSexEdMonth contributors have come forward with some rather savvy tips, from just the simple act of touch from Andrew Morrison-Gurza of A Dose of Deliciously Disabled to sensation play from Leandra Vane, the Unlaced Librarian.

14 Things That Don’t Belong in Your Ass

Anal sex can be all kinds of kinky fun. There’s been no shortage of stories that have been shared during #AdultSexEdMonth about how to have enjoyable and safer anal sex. But there’s always someone who is tempted to use something other than a finger or a sex toy specifically designed for anal play to get their kicks. Those forays usually end badly. If someone you know needs a reminder about why it’s unwise to stick other things up a bum, pass along this list of 14 things Kaleb Sutra says just shouldn’t go there – and why.

Bobbie Morgan

Bobbie Morgan is the beditor-in-chief of A Good Woman's Dirty Mind. When she's not blogging or having the best sex ever, she's putting out writing and social media services for adult businesses.

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