Aging and sex

Lots of things in life change as we get older. Sex is no exception. No, sex and old age aren't antithetical. In fact, many older people report having very active and fulfilling sex lives. Don't accept society's idea that older people shouldn't have sex. Check in here and learn how to have the best sex of your life during your golden years!

More Aging and sex Content

There’s a vast misconception that older adults don’t have sex. But the statistics say otherwise. According to findings from the...

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Want to know about sex toy and vibrators for women over 50?  Knowing what kind of touch or sensation feels good is vital information to becoming more attuned to one’s pleasure centers and the right sex toy is the key! 

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40 can be the new 30 - or even 20 - if you take good care of your body and sexual health.

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Unapologetically enjoying the company of younger partners doesn't warrant criticism, controversy or labels.

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If you’re in a relationship with an older man, consider oral sex as another way to add intimacy to your relationship.

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The idea that older women are all dried up and over sex is a myth.

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Middle aged women, don't be shy! A positive sexual attitude can improve your overall health.

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Although our bodies change throughout our lives, they maintain their capacity for pleasure, even if the way we access that pleasure changes over time.

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Think going through menopause means your sex life is over? Not true! In fact it might be the opposite...

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September is almost over, but ideally we should celebrate World Sexual Health Month every day!

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