High tech sex

Virtual Reality Porn Is Here! (Here’s What You Need to Know About It)

Published: JUNE 8, 2017 | Updated: FEBRUARY 15, 2022
Virtual reality porn - the next iteration of adult entertainment - is all grown up and ready to reach out and touch the sexy masses.

The first porn I ever watched was on a videotape, in our VCR, connected to our tube television in my parents' living room before they got home from work. I had to adjust the tracking on occasion because the tape was well-worn. The remote was corded. The only real curves I saw were when the performers moved to the far edges of the convex screen.

But I thought it was the best thing ever. Until I saw a DVD skin flick on a CRT. This was a revelation! Easily navigable and a much better view of the view! I was still furtively peeking while in a shared living room, but things were definitely looking up.

Then, the internet came along. I really thought online porn was the apex of smutty mountain. So much content. So much variety. So much access. But it was still so flat. So far away. As much as my overactive sexual imagination runs rampant, the desire to be immersed in and interact with my favorite sexy content has always felt just out of reach.

Until now. Virtual reality porn - the next iteration of adult entertainment - is all grown up and ready to reach out and touch the sexy masses.

As with any new technology, there is a bit of a learning curve. Fortunately, the adult industry - as is often the case when invention turns to innovation - has been keen on VR since its beginning. While it hasn’t taken over as the way to view sexual cinema yet, the number of production companies getting on board the VR train is growing.

Are you looking to climb aboard? Do you want to experience the best thing to happen to porn since moving pictures? Check out these important details to consider before you get geared up and plugged in to virtual reality porn.

How do I get started with VR porn?

There are two key components to getting ready for your first VR porn experience: get your gear and find your provider. First, you do need a special device to access virtual reality content. Your headset will be your gateway to a sexual fantasy land. By attaching your smartphone or connecting to your computer, the specially filmed content will be transmitted directly in front of your eyes. You’ll be able to move your head around to see different views and the hot folks you came to look at will be in striking 3D. Porn films are shot in everything from 180 degree view all the way up to 360 degree rotation. The scene will look so real you’ll want to touch it! And picking that scene is key. Finding content that gets you excited is important with this level of investment. Sites can easily become a one-stop porn shopping destination.

What does it cost?

This might be surprising to some, but not all porn is free online. Get outta here, right? But despite all the access to free content, we really should be paying for our clicks and giggles. So, if you’re interested in exploring virtual reality porn, know going in that there is some cash outlay required. Just know that it is so worth it!

First, the headset. Rarely is there such a range in price of a necessary piece of hardware. You can get a cardboard one that is made of inexpensive materials for under $10. Or you can explore the mid-range headsets, such as Samsung Gear and Oculus Rift that will put you back $100-$400. After that, you’ve got some high-end headset such as the HTC Vibe that will put you back $800. Videos, as well, vary greatly in price. Some companies offer subscription services with prices ranging from $5 to $20 monthly. It is recommended that you try any sites for a short time before committing to ensure you’re truly happy with their horny offerings.

What will I find in this virtual world?

The internet and its wild and woolly world of porn isn’t going anywhere. Remember, Rule 34 says that if you can think it, there is porn of it. That vast playground will always be around to meet your needs. At this time, however, Rule 34 cannot be applied to VR porn. Because companies have only been making this special content for a few years, the collective back catalog is still pretty small. And, because it has been mainstream companies pioneering VR porn, the films that have been created are mainly targeting a cis, heterosexual male demographic. These films and clips are much more expensive to produce and the files are quite large. So, at this point, your demographic, kink or fetish might not be available in VR. This, however, is bound to change as this market grows.

The Best Step - Connecting Toys to VR Porn

VR porn is really pretty astonishing when you experience it for the first time. Your favorite performers will look so real, so life-like and so close to you. It is not at all unusual for people to try and reach out and “touch” the delicious bodies they are seeing in their headsets! Virtual reality smut is that engaging.

But it doesn’t end there. Another technology has been making waves in adult entertainment, swimming alongside VR in parallel strokes. Teledildonics allows users to connect sex toys and devices via Bluetooth technology. You can link toys with a lover on the other side of the world for mutual masturbation. You can also connect to your favorite porn and cam performers!

Read: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Teledildonics

There are a number of sex toys, particularly masturbators, that can be synced to specially-coded VR porn films, allowing you to play along with the action in your headset. There is also VR compatible porn being developed just for women that will be compatible with teledildonic toys like the Kiiroo Pearl. Combining the vividness of visual stimulation with the significant advances in sex toy quality makes for an unbelievable sexual experience. And it's about as close to the real deal as you can get.

VR porn hasn't taken over the pornography landscape, but it's likely to continue to gain new fans. It sure beats a grainy VHS tape.

Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is a sex-related media gadabout. For more than 20 years, Jon has been putting sex into our daily conversations at his long-running site SexInWords—as a writer, editor, publisher, sex toy reviewer, radio host, workshop facilitator, event producer and more. These days, he focuses on writing for Kinkly, GetMeGiddy, The Buzz and PinkPlayMags and editing Jason Armstrong's series of Solosexual books. In 2015, Jon edited Cleis Press' Best Sex Writing of the...

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