
What It’s Like To Shoot Porn With A Pregnant Woman

by Kinkly
Published: JULY 25, 2019 | Updated: FEBRUARY 15, 2022
Erika Lust’s new "Pregnancy Sex Documentary" introduces audiences to an authentic depiction of a pregnant woman performing sexually.

Pregnancy stirs up a lot of images. Like baby blankets, nursing, bassinets and more. Less often do our minds go straight to sex. That kind of imagery typically seems to end after insemination. Of course, there are exceptions. The fetish community has done a good job of pumping out all sorts of content concerning sex and pregnancy. But more authentic depictions of pregnant women performing sexually? Well, those seem to be fewer and farther in between.

Enter Erika Lust, an award-winning, ethical, adult filmmaker and mother. Lust broke into the porn universe back in 2004. In the time since, she’s worked to disrupt an industry overrun by clichéd and contrived content. Unlike other pornographers out there, Lust takes pains to incorporate elements of realism into her films. She also shines the spotlight on underrepresented demographics in her films. Everyone, she says, can stake a claim to sexuality. That’s why she decided to put together The Pregnancy Sex Documentary. The film, which stars the French adult film star Tiffany Doll and her husband Bruno, was Lust’s first shoot featuring a pregnant performer. It couples an extensive dialogue with explicit images of sex. In that way, she was able to provide context and insight concerning the pregnancy process and how it interacts with sex. We had the opportunity to catch up with Lust, Tiffany and Bruno to ask them more about the experience. Check out the conversation below.

Read: A Look at Pregnancy and Lactation Fetishes

Why do you think we have such a hard time incorporating pregnancy into conversations concerning sexuality?

Lust: Society struggle to see pregnant women in any sexualized position. It's like as soon as women become pregnant they become saints, people don't see them as women anymore. We are trained to believe that when you are young, you are pretty and sexual but when you become pregnant you are now a mother in so many peoples’ eyes and you are no longer allowed to have an erotic life. In the eyes of many your body is no longer yours, it's the baby's - I think this is why many people struggle to sexualize the pregnant body.

Tiffany: In our society, pregnant women are like something we cannot touch anymore, but we are still women not just a machine to make babies.

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You’re known for incorporating dialogue and context into your films. Did you find that was particularly useful during the making of this film?

Lust: Yes, absolutely. In this film I didn't want to just show the viewer what it looks like to have sex as a pregnant woman I want the viewer to listen to Tiffany speak about her body, her desires, her feelings. This is a sex documentary, it's not just an explicit scene. I wanted to see the conversation between Tiffany and Bruno at the start of the film to hear about their experiences as a couple and how the pregnancy has affected each of them together and individually.

How did the process of putting this film together differ from other shoots?

Lust: Well, the planning stage was different as it was much more dependent on how Tiffany was feeling on the day of the shoot - her feelings, her emotions and her desires. I always allow performers working on my sets to discuss the sex that they would like to have that day. Sometimes I will suggest a few positions that might look good for the camera but it's mostly up to them. But with Tiffany and Bruno it was even more free for them to choose to have sex how they wanted and in a way that reflected how Tiffany wanted to be touched during this stage of her pregnancy.

Tiffany: It was completely different. With Erika we spoke a lot about my feelings, what I wanted to do. It's the first time that I am so much involved in a movie and I think it's the first time that I really want to speak about something that I feel is important in my woman life. It was really intimate, I as not Tiffany Doll the porn performer but Tiffany Doll the woman.

Bruno: When I shot with my pregnant wife I was listening only to her. I wanted her to feel comfortable, confident and sexy. I was taking care of her and I tried to put her in the light. When I shoot I normally listen to the director and to my perversity. Of course I also listen to my partner but it's different.

Read: 7 MORE Sizzling, Safe Sex Positions for Pregnant Women

In what ways does this film function in service to pregnant women?

Lust: I remember being pregnant myself and looking for positive images of pregnant women in erotic situations and it was really difficult. The images and films I found did not align with how I felt at that special time. Everything felt fetishized and, instead of conveying the power you feel growing another human inside of you and the intimacy you feel with your own body and with your partner, it felt like a taboo. If you go onto one of the free tube sites and search for pregnancy sex you will be met with terms like "pregnancy humiliation,” "pregnant raw pussy,” "pregnant slut" and "up the duff bitches.” There is a strange dichotomy during pregnancy in that you're either a saint with no sexual urges or you are a "slutty MILF". I wanted to show a realistic depiction of pregnancy sex that more people can relate to.

Tiffany: Women shouldn't have to be afraid to speak about sexuality during pregnancy and that it shouldn't be as taboo as it is today. When I became pregnant, I realized that my body changed a lot in a way I didn't expect and I thought that it was something I'd never heard about before. I also saw that my sexuality changed a lot, that I was into some new things that didn't turn me on before and I felt like I needed to share this with other people.

How does this film speak to the physical changes women experience throughout their pregnancy? How does that interact with sex?

Lust: Your sex drive can increase during pregnancy, not just thanks to hormone changes but also because of physical changes in the body. With more blood flowing towards the vulva, it’s likely to become more sensitive and make sex more enjoyable. So, if we know that some pregnant women are experiencing a peak in their sexual interest, why aren't they allowed to express this? And why aren't there more adult films that cater to their increased needs? I hope that this film can help people who have been or are currently pregnant see that they are absolutely within their right to claim their sexuality and pleasure at this time in their life and enjoy it without feeling any guilt or shame.

What advice would you give to pregnant couples who are hesitant to express themselves sexually?

Lust: Pregnancy will change what a couple can do as the body changes, but a couple does not suddenly have to start having slow and soft sex if that is not what they enjoy and if there is no risk posed to the baby. There is no one rule for all with pregnancy sex; it all depends on the individual, their desires and pleasures at the time.

Bruno: If I had just one [piece of] advice I would say that it's totally normal to be afraid. It's a lot of change for a life, for a couple and your partner is becoming a mother, you are becoming a father. You shouldn't be ashamed of this fear and speak with your partner about your feelings. It's important for her to know what's going on, and maybe she will also share her own fear with you.


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