Now I’ll give you some very solid advice on how to achieve bigger, more bad ass orgasms, with or without penetration.
Work Your Pelvic Floor Muscles
Sometimes they are called the Kegel muscles, the pelvic muscles, the PC muscles or the pubococcygeus muscles, but they all mean the same thing. Every orgasm you ever have, whether it's triggered by touching your clit, penetration, nipple play, G spotting or whatever, is a series of muscular contractions. So, the bigger and stronger your pelvic muscles, the bigger and stronger your orgasms will be.
Pump your muscles during sex play, be it alone, with a toy or with a partner. This will bring pressure into your pelvis with the added benefit of strengthening your muscles. There are other pelvic muscle exercises you can learn, but I think building strength through sex play is the most fun!
When you first start engaging your pelvic muscles during sex play, it can be a bit mechanical or even annoying. Don’t give up. As you gain strength it gets easier and soon your body will start doing it without any conscious effort.
Learn to Breathe
I also want you to breathe. Breathe heavy. Take in as much oxygen as you comfortably can. When you are trying to get the optimal use of your muscles, you breathe. When you lift weights, you breathe with each rep. When you do yoga, you breathe rhythmically with the flow of the movements. When you have sex, breathe deep. You’ll pack your bloodstream with more oxygen and literally have a bigger orgasm tonight. It sounds so simple but it’s true.