How to pleasure

Touch Him Here: 3 New Erotic Zones to Explore in 2016

by Kinkly
Published: DECEMBER 30, 2015 | Updated: FEBRUARY 15, 2022
Simple touch can feel so good, it'll get both of you hot and bothered.

When focusing on getting down and dirty with your guy, the obvious choice is diving straight into the erotic zone and pleasing the hell out of him, right? That definitely works, but it may not be enough.

Most of us have probably given or received an erotic massage at some point. (And if not, put that on your list of sexy resolutions for 2016!) What may have started as an innocent back massage could quite happily (if not quickly) lead to a completely different ball game. Sometimes, sex is on the agenda to begin with, but simple touch can often feel so good that it gets both of you hot and bothered in a matter of seconds - and that's before you've even hit any of the typical erogenous zones. In fact, there are a few places where you can (and should) touch your partner if you want to heat things up. Here are a few that you - and he - may not even be aware of.

The Sacrum

Huh? OK it’s not as complicated as it sounds. Locate it by looking for the triangular shaped bone at the base of his spine, in between his hips (or the back of his pelvis).

Why He'll Love It: The nerve endings here are linked to the genitals, so stimulating this particular pressure point should make him feel more than a little something down there. Plus, the nerves located here can trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, which has a lot to do with relaxing and having an orgasm in the first place!

His Feet

Before you run sideways at the thought (or think he might too), keep this in mind that the brain receptors responsible for dealing with genital function are located very close to those that deal with your feet. Applying some pressure to the top of the arch in each foot can help boost blood flow throughout the body, which is always a good thing when it comes to getting sexy. Applying pressure to the bottom of the arch, heels and outer heels stimulates receptors related to the prostate and erotic zone. Maybe you don't have a foot fetish, but this connection helps explain why so many people have a thing for feet! (Read more about it in A Heel-to-Toe Look at Foot Fetishes.)

Why He'll Love It: Reflexology teaches us that pressure points in the feet are linked to bodily function, including sexual function. Plus, our feet often get left out of the action, which can make a foot massage feel extra special and sexy.

The Gluteal Fold

Look for that crease where his butt meets the top of his thighs. It’s a sensitive area that's often overlooked. Try gently running your fingers down this crease and don’t be afraid to use your tongue. Then use your hand to stroke over the area and give him a light slap on the bottom of his cheek.

Why He'll Love It: This is an area that probably doesn’t get as much attention as it should/he'd like, and the new sensation associated with exploring this sensitive spot is sure to pique his interest. (Want to take it further? Read about how in Smack! 3 Thrilling Types of Erotic Spanking.)

An erotic massage is a nice gesture, but it can also be real come-on. The more you can catch his attention, the better the sex that follows will be.


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