Read: Vet Wrap: The Safe, Affordable Bondage Tool You Should Be Using
For other types of bondage, like device bondage, you can use your actual clothes, like pants or belts and, just close them around your legs or different parts of your body to restrain and restrict motion. And if you really, really want to try rope bondage, but you are not ready to invest in an expensive rope kit yet - because believe it or not, rope is actually a lot more expensive than you would think - I would really highly recommend using cotton clothesline. That's what I actually learned bondage on myself when I was starting out on a budget, and I think it's a really great type of rope to use because as far as friction goes, it is very similar to all of the more expensive natural fiber ropes. The knots hold pretty well, but it's very easy to handle and easy to wash. So, it's very low maintenance and very affordable.