Building Blocks of Understanding?
I can’t help but think there’s a parallel between learning about Canada's new sex work laws via LEGO demonstration and those sex work laws themselves. It's a parallel between good parenting and bad parenting. With good parenting we know that LEGO, of course, is awesome and every parent should suffer the pain of stepping on those plastic blocks for the sake of their child’s development. The sex work laws are parenting gone bad. They are an extreme form of the "Go to your room where you’ll be safe because we know better than you!" mentality that many of us heard while growing up. That school of thought doesn’t keep us safe and these laws do not keep sex workers safe. Hopefully these laws are more like Jenga—about to tumble down!Dornan's Dungeon Visit
Oh, Jamie Dornan. While it may seem similar, 'foot in the mouth’ is not really a fetish. The soon-to-be-unleashed Christian Grey was recently interviewed and revealed he visited a dungeon. Seems like a good idea considering Dornan will be the acting owner of the infamous Red Room of Pain. Too bad the trip seems to have upset his delicate nature. After, seemingly, demanding some kind of show from those on-hand, left feeling a little out of sorts. "Then going back to my wife and newborn baby afterwards...I had a long shower before touching either of them."I didn't have much of an opinion on the upcoming 50 Shades of Grey movie, but now I hope this insulting fool does a little more research into sex communities before the film premiers. I mean, sure, we’ve all wanted to wash ourselves after a bad experience. Watching Dornan in Once Upon A Time comes to mind for me…