Sex ed for kids

Kids today know a lot more about sex than their parents would like to think - but it isn't always accurate. And sex education in schools isn't exactly comprehensive - or sex positive. If you have kids, don’t avoid “the talk.” Check in here for everything you need to teach your kids about making healthy, safe sexual decisions.

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Taking a more active and informed role in teaching sexuality education, with all its nuances, should be a thing to cherish and enjoy. Who knows, you might even end up learning something yourself.

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What people learn about the hymen often has more to do with cultural and religious traditions than with science.

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Consent is an important concept. Here's how to talk to your kids about giving and obtaining consent.

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Porn is being blamed these days for failed marriages, ruined political careers and the "corruption of our youth." But is it really to blame?

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Classic sex toy favorites from when you still hid your vibe stash from mom.

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Here are seven of the most common questions young people tend to look up online. Instead of asking Google, they might just ask you.

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When children are able to explore their bodies without shame, they learn to love themselves.

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Sex Education in public schools can be a virtual mine field of tittering children, infuriated parents, and those desperately trying to get the truth to students who need and deserve it.

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Parents are a very important part of sex education for their children.

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Sex ed should be taught in schools, but that doesn't mean that teachers are the best candidates when it comes to teaching it.

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